Killing Techniques Titan Aottg Game And Level

Killing Techniques Titan Aottg Game And Level
Killing Techniques Titan Aottg Game And Level 

play aottg we often use our ultimate technique, but if you know the name of these techniques? and what types of these techniques? You can practice these techniques with different levels of difficulty depending on your thoughts,

Level 1 for newbie player
Lever 2 For Amatur Player
Level 3 For Normal Player

Level 4 For Experience Player
Level 5 For Best Player

These are the names titan kill technique AOTTG 
  • Blinding Spin Or Blinding Shot Level 1
  • Levi Skill Level 1
  • Petra Skill Level 1
  • Equator Cut or Reeling Level 2
  • Air Equator or AE Level 2
  • Reeling -Critical Level 2
  • Instant Reeling  Level 3
  • Interrupt -Chop Level 3
  • Death From Above / Overhead Strike Level 3
  • Vector Strike Level 3
  • Hydra Strike Level 3
  • Spiral -Accelerated Strike Level 4
  • Gyro Level 4
  • D Gyro Level 4
  • Mikasa Drive Level 4
  • Traditional Cut Level 5
  • Vertical Shot AHSS Only Level 3
  • Flyby Level 5
  • Back Shot AHSS Level 4
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